書名:一次就考到雅思聽力7+( 附英式發音MP3)


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    Amanda Chou
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超神奇「橘寶書」 神準猜題、真題重現


 瘋狂練就英國腔聽力耳,應試時腦筋神反射,填空題100%答題正確。
 收錄題材極廣,大一、大二英文教學均適用(完全節省教師出題時間)。
 自學的超級好幫手且全書中英對照,各程度均適用,省掉拿無數本官方試題和中譯解析本的困擾,★桌上不用一堆書,一本就搞定(不用思考還有幾本要而影響思緒),★安靜定下心來好好練習並確認全數答案都拼寫正確(有錯其中一題,則該單元反覆聆聽到全數正確為止)。

【循環必考字彙和影子跟讀規劃加持 雙效強化閱讀和聽力】
 規劃影子跟讀同步提升閱讀和聽力兩個單項的能力,修正聽力專注力、強化聽力定位能力、拼字能力和補強閱讀能力。
 填空題部分的出題均為雅思聽力和閱讀考題常考字,熟悉循環必考字彙、跳過過難且不考的字彙。

Part 1
 problem《劍12 T5 S4第39題》month《劍10 T3 S1第10題》money《劍11 T4 S4第40題》cost《劍12 T7 S4第40題》kitchen《劍12 T7 S1第5題》
 phone《劍14 T1 S1第5題》customer《劍10 T1 S4第34題》number《劍11 T3 S4第33題》 Tuesday《劍12 T8 S1第9題》database《劍12 T5 S3第29題》
 knife《劍13 T1 S1第10題》material《劍10 T1 S3第28題》 late《劍13 T4 section 1第9題》3 weeks《劍14 T2 S1第6題》contact《劍13 T1 S4第36題》business《劍13 T4 S1第3題》
 stage《劍14 T4 S1第4題》、《劍11 T1 S1第7題》cash《劍11 T1 S1第3題》、《劍12 T8 S3第24題》method《劍10 T1 S4第39題》new《劍13 T1 S1第37題》
 running《劍14 T2 S1第8題》25《劍13 T2 S1第4題》damage(d)《劍12 T5 S4第31題》port《劍13 T4 S4第34題》manager《劍14 T2 S1第2題》
 morning《劍10 T4 S1第4題》lunch《劍10 T3 S1第6題》dinner《劍10 T1 S1第10題》plan《劍10 T1 S2第15題》flight《劍10 T1 S1第8題》
 food《劍13 T1 S4第35題》、《劍12 T7 S4第39題》holiday《劍13 T4 S1第5題》airport《劍14 T3 S1第8題》night《劍13 T4 S4第40題》model《劍10 T1 S3第27題》presentation《劍12 T8 S1第10題》、《劍10 T1 S3第26題》
 appointments《劍12 T7 S1第7題》price《劍10 T4 S1第6題》 choose《劍13 T1 S1第1題》May《劍12 T8 S1第5題》 work《劍12 T8 S4第33題》factory《劍11 T2 S4第32題》glass(es)《劍10 T3 S1第7題》、《劍10 T4 S1第7題》
 time《劍14 T1 S1第8題》、《劍11 T3 S4 第33題》lunch《劍12 T5 S1第4題》week《劍10 T 4 S1第9題》training《劍12 T8 S4第37題》、《劍10 T2 S1第10題》
Part 2
 health《劍10 T1 S2第13題》exhibition《劍14 T3 S1第3題》destruction《劍13 T4 section 4第31題》dark《劍10 T4 S2第17題》
 doctor《劍12 T8 S1第2題》aunt《劍10 Test 3 S1第9題》personality《劍12 T5 S4第33題》、《劍10 T3 S4第32題》university《劍13 T4 S4第32題》
 side effect(s)《劍12 T5 S4第32題》friend《劍10 T3 section 4第34題》instruments《劍14 T 2 S4第37題》bridge《劍12 T5 S4第33題》、《劍11 T1 S4第34題》attention《劍13 T2 S4第34題》competition《劍10 T1 S4第31題》red《劍10 T3 S1第5題》newspaper《劍10 T1 S1第2題》
 vision(s)《劍12 T6 S4第37題》、《劍10 T3 S4第38題》solar《劍10 T4 S4第37題》oxygen《劍11 T1 S4第34題》island《劍10 T1 S4第35題》physics《劍14 T3 S4第38題》personal《劍13 T2 S1第33題》
 bones《劍13 T1 S1第5題》speed《劍13 T1 S4第33題》helmet《劍12 T5 S1第8題》eyes《劍14 T4 S4第39題》power《劍10 T1 S4第32題》medical《劍14 T4 S4第38題》cave《劍11 T3 S3第21題》private《劍13 T1 S1第2題》
Part 3
 September 《劍14 T1 S1第6題》 frequency 《劍13 T1 S4第37題》 fishing 《劍10 T1 S4第37題》tail 《劍13 T1 S4第38題》sea 《劍14 T3 S1第9題》
 light《劍14 T4 S4 第36題》survival《劍14 T2 S4第2題》insects《劍12 T7 S4第31題》brain《劍13 T1 S4第34題》、《劍13 Test 1 S1第39題》
 Africa《劍12 T8 S1第3題》protection《劍13 T1 S4第37題》father《劍12 T7 S4第33題》coffee《劍13 T2 S1第7題》snakes《劍13 T3 S4 第33題》hard《劍11 T4 S4第32題》vacation《劍13 T 4 S1第5題》mammals《劍11 T1 S4第35題》


Amanda Chou


Part 1 影子跟讀「短對話」
Unit 1 房屋修繕-月份+星期+數字 ...... 018
Unit 2 退租押金-家俱+數字+議價 ...... 022
Unit 3 電話安裝紛爭-帳單+安裝費+客服 ...... 026
Unit 4 報價同等品-詢價+機台+客戶溝通 ...... 030
Unit 5 規格不清楚-詢價單+型號(數字+英文字) ...... 034
Unit 6 修改規格請重報-詢價單+設備+客戶溝通 ...... 038
Unit 7 交期太長向廠商詢問原因-報價單+星期+客戶溝通 ...... 042
Unit 8 替代品再次確認-報價單+型號+產品 ...... 046
Unit 9 下單後要追加數量-數字+運費+折扣 ...... 050
Unit 10 下單後發現錯誤-訂單+客戶溝通+電壓規格 ...... 054
Unit 11 提醒合約回傳-訂單編號+日期+月份 ...... 058
Unit 12 提醒付款條件-訂單編號+日期+月份 ...... 062
Unit 13 提醒付款條件-客戶溝通+付款條件 ...... 066
Unit 14 即將出貨,請客戶付清尾款-訂單編號+訂金和尾款+月份 ...... 070
Unit 25 討論會議中談論的事項執行進度-專案+星期+會議記錄 ...... 114
Unit 26 訪客的喜好╱注意事項-餐廳+餐點+房間 ...... 118
Unit 27 與訪客確認行程-行程+飯店+日期 ...... 122
Unit 28 廠商想直接拜訪客戶-行程+設備+客戶溝通 ...... 126
Unit 29 私人光觀行程-住宿+房型+預算 ...... 130
Unit 30 詢問工程師行程表-星期+日期+月份 ...... 134
Unit 31 零件延誤-設備+海關+零件 ...... 138
Unit 32 對工程師的提點-進度報告+時程+零件 ...... 142
Unit 33 工程師反應問題-訂單+零件號碼+庫存 ...... 146
Unit 34 準備試車╱驗收-安裝+測試+安排 ...... 150
Unit 35 通知供應廠商已順利完工-文件作業+證書+星期 ...... 154

Part 2 影子跟讀「短段落」
Unit 1 常考高階名詞-CaptainAmerica 美國隊長1...... 158
Unit 2 文件作業+證書+星期-Captain America 美國隊長2 ...... 162
Unit 3 國名+常考名詞-TheRed Skull 紅骷髏 ...... 166
Unit 4 數字+常考名詞-Spiderman 蜘蛛人1...... 170
Unit 5 國名+常考名詞+學校-Spiderman 蜘蛛人2...... 174
Unit 6 橋+顏色+常考名詞-The Green Goblin 綠惡魔 ...... 178
Unit 7 內科醫生+常考名詞和形容詞-Batman 蝙蝠俠1...... 182
Unit 8 城市+設備+常考名詞-Batman 蝙蝠俠2 ...... 186
Unit 9 鞋子+顏色+數字+常考名詞-Joker 小丑 ...... 190
Unit 10 飛機+原子+常考名詞-Wonder Woman 神力女超人 ...... 194
Unit 11 顏色+男孩+常考名詞-Superman 超人1 ...... 198
Unit 12 報紙+顏色+天文+常考名詞-Superman超人 2...... 202
Unit 13 數字+國名+常考名詞-Iron Man 鋼鐵人1 ...... 206
Unit 14 秘書+生物學+常考名詞-Iron Man 鋼鐵人2...... 210
Unit 15 國名+語言+常考名詞-Mandarin 滿大人1...... 214
Unit 16 書籍+溫度+常考名詞-Aquaman 水行俠1 ...... 218
Unit 17 女人+海洋+常考名詞-Aquaman 水行俠2...... 222
Unit 18 地名+血液+常考名詞-Black Manta 黑色曼塔1...... 226
Unit 19 靈魂+套裝+走私+常考名詞-Black Manta 黑色曼塔2 ...... 230
Unit 20 洞穴+國名+醫生+常考名詞-Thor 雷神索爾...... 234

Part 3 影子跟讀-「長段落」
Unit 1 數字+月份+國名+生物學專業字1-無尾熊 ......238
Unit 2 數字+生態學和海洋生物學專業字1-鯨魚 ...... 248
Unit 3 常考名詞+生物學專業字2-種內競爭和種間競爭...... 258
Unit 4 高階名詞 1+生物學專業字3-動物族群過剩...... 266
Unit 5 高階名詞 2+生物學專業字4-剋星 ...... 274
Unit 6 國家名+月份+生物學專業字5-母性本能和對子女的養育 ...... 282
Unit 7 數字+常見名詞+商學專業字1-心理學:咖啡和複利效應 ...... 290
Unit 8 高階名詞 3+生物學專業字6-生物學:共同演化,蠑螈和束帶蛇 ......300
Unit 9 高階名詞+生物學專業字7-海洋生物學:探討甲殼綱、鯨類和鰭足類動物...... 310


劍橋雅思14於近期問世了,也代表著考生在備考時,有多四回的聽力模擬試題供於練習和衝刺用,考生更關心的應該是命題的趨勢和變化,因為越是新出的劍橋題本越是反映出命題的變化,越舊的題本則鋒芒已老,在備考上較不具參考價值了。劍橋雅思14在填空題的命題上還是跟劍橋雅思13很類似,除了第四回測驗的section 4部分是選擇題,其他都是填空題,也就是每回測驗的40題題目中,有近20題甚至30題都是填空題。填空題代表著必須要準確聽到該字並拼寫正確才答對,所以考生必須要強化的是生活類場景的拼字能力,例如:數字、日期、月份和常考生活字等等。

以四回測驗中各個第一個部分(Section 1)的命題來做比較:
 Test 1 Section 1 Crime Report Form為例,包含了國籍、常考生活字彙(例如:furniture, Park, museum等字)、數字、較長的一段數字(crime reference number)、日期+月份和顏色。
 Test 2 Section 1 Total Health Clinic中,包含了較長的一段數字(phone number)、日期+月份、地名拼寫和常考生活字彙(例如:manager, knee, tennis, shoulder和vitamins等)。
 Test 3 Section 1 Flanders Conference Hotel中,包含了兩組數字、公司名和常考生活字彙(例如:pool, airport, sea等等)。
 Test 4 Section 1 Enquiry about Booking Hotel Room for Event中,則包含了數字和常考生活字彙例如:roses, trees, stage, speech和support等)。

關於四回測驗中各個第四部份(Section 4)的命題則可以清楚知道是常考的生活字彙(單字難度在4000單以內),本書秉持以官方試題命題聽力測驗會挖空的常考生活字彙作為基礎,規劃了三個部分:短對話、短段落和長段落,包含這些基礎生活字彙的題材和填空練習,書中還有海量的填空題練習超過1000題提供考生充分練習(每本劍橋雅思的填空題總數約80題),並以影子跟讀的設計來強化聽力專注力。此外,除了基礎常考字的練習外,再以這些基礎作延伸,涵蓋許多更高階的字彙,這些在聽力測驗學術演講題材以及閱讀測驗中都會常出現。密集演練這些填空題,有效縮短考生在應考中填寫答案的時間,立刻正確拚寫出該字詞,不會浪費數秒在閱讀或於聽力測驗中思考時,邊寫邊回到定位的段落去找該高階名詞。

關於section 2和section 3的選擇題和配對題,書中的題材跟許多語彙表達,提供考生參考作答方式以及方向,考生則需要多注意同義轉換。另外對於不習慣聽section 3和section 4答題的考生(已經能掌握section 1和section 2聽力出題模式),可以充分使用書中「短對話」和「長對話」練習,提升答題穩定性和正確性,聽力測驗答完後有時間稍靜下心來等待發閱讀試題。




Unit 20 洞穴+國名+醫生+常考名詞 ─ Thor雷神索爾
During Thor’s 1.___________, Odin decided to send his son to 2.____________ to learn 3.___________. He placed Thor into the body of Donald Blake, a partially disabled 4.___________________. At that time, Thor lost his 5._____________ of godhood, and became a 6._____________ in 7._______________. When Thor witnessed the arrival of an 8.__________, he ran away, carelessly falling into a 9.__________, where he discovered his 10.____________ Mjolnir. He stroked it against 11.___________.

Thor started his 12._____________ life, spending most of his time treating the ill in a 13._______________, and at the same time fighting evils to help humanity. During his practice, he fell in love with 14._______________, Jane Foster, who is a normal human being. Thor wanted to marry Jane, but Odin rejected the 15.____________. Thor disobeyed his father and refused to return to Asgard. Odin eventually gave in and allowed Thor to date Jane Foster under the condition that she passes 16.____________. Foster’s failing in the 17._______ made Thor 18.___________ that she is very much different from him.

Unit 9 高階名詞+生物學專業字7-海洋生物學:探討甲殼綱、鯨類和鰭足類動物
As you can see from the video, a 1.__________ stays pretty 2.___________ on the shore. All of a sudden, an octopus shows up unannounced dragging the crab, which struggles hard to escape, into the water. This demonstrates octopus’ another 3.______________ on land. Octopuses have been known for their high intelligence, remarkable 4.______________, and ink. They are the master of the marine creatures. Their inborn talent allows them to inhabit different 5.______________________.

Crustaceans and 6.___________ are on their food list. Prey will be injected with a paralyzing 7.______________ and disjointed with their beaks. Clams and crabs, although equipped with a 8.__________, can’t withstand the toxic saliva they secrete. The 9._______________ of the saliva will dissolve the 10.____________ structure of the shell.

They can be preyed on by cetaceans, 11.____________, pinnipeds, 12.___________, or sea birds, but recently, an astounding video revealed a giant octopus taking down a shark, too....

Poor shark...but it somehow shows that size matters when it comes to an attack...like small snakes getting eaten by a 13._________ and a full-grown mantis can take down a very small snake...All of a sudden it totally saves itself from being the meal of another creature. Or a predator can successfully plot the whole scheme to capture its prey in a moment. All prey have their 14._____________ mechanisms, too.

Crustaceans may seem like a big word but they are often the food we order when we’re in a 15.______________. I think you know what they are. For example, 16.____________, crabs, and 17._____________ belong to the category of the crustaceans. We eat them very often.

Yes, marine creatures...marine mammals...to be more specific...they are welcomed 18.______________ like we often see them perform in the 19.__________ or circus...

Excellent! Let’s continue...pinnipeds are another word for 20.________. They are semi-aquatic marine mammals...pinnipeds, cetaceans, and crustaceans are all familiar marine mammals to us... They secrete ink. They are equipped with an 21._____________, so when threatened, they spew out an ink cloud to distract their predator…so that they will have a higher chance to escape. The 22.___________ of the predators is blocked by a sudden pouring of the ink.

Aside from the ink cloud, octopuses are 23.____________. In nature, having venom gives you an upper hand. It more or less protects you from getting eaten, unless the predator is immune to the potency of the venom or the predator coevolves to be resistant to the venom. Also, the 24.___________ also exhibits as a warning to the predator. It sends out a clear message, “Don’t come near me!” With 25._________________ coming up…as a professor, I’ve got to warn you about 26._____________ and blue-ringed octopuses. They sometimes surface to a shallow water. Blue-ringed octopuses are especially deadly to humans.